If you’re on the MATS home screen or in the MATS calendar:
Tap on the “+”.
Tap on “Workout”.
Tap on “New Workout” to build a new workout, or on “Workout Library” to use a pre-built workout.
If “New Workout” was chosen:
Tap on the desired sport.
Choose “Goal” or “Range”.
Choose a control metric.
Choose “Duration” or “Distance” and set up the desired sections of the workout.
You can now add more sections in the overview or change the existing ones.
Tap on “Save”.
Tap on “Save” again and, if necessary, flip the “Save to my library” switch.
If you haven’t set a start date (time) yet, you can do so now.
If “Workout Library” was chosen:
Choose a workout, you can also search for workouts or filter by sports, for example.
You can make changes in the next step or tap directly on “Save”.
Tap on “Save”.
If you haven’t set a start date (time) yet, you can do so now.