Tap “Season” on your MATS homescreen.
Tap on “Add season”.
Enter a name for your season.
Select the start date of your season in “Season start” and the end date will be calculated automatically based on the duration of the added training blocks.
Change the duration of a block by tapping on the time in “Duration”.
Tap on “Save” in the upper right corner to save your season, which will be displayed on the season overview page.
Plan your season by adding as many training periods & blocks as you like.
Tap on “Add block” to add a block to a training period.
Tap on “Add training period” to add a new training period to the season.
You can give an individual name to each training period and block.
Tap on “…” → “Rename” to give an individual name to a training period. Then tap on “Save”.
To name a block, tap directly in the input field of the desired block.